Security Tips when using Cyber Cafes
While the number of people who already have internet access at home is increasing, a large percentage still, despite the reduction in service prices, access the network using public Internet booths and cyber cafes. However, many are unaware of some basic principles on how to safeguard your information.
I've been a fairly active user of Internet of these cabins even before Internet access was available at home or college. In all this time later I learnt some things that made me reflect on the importance of information security, so that, if you use regularly or occassionaly these cafes, I invite you to review the following tips:
Here are my 10 Information Security Tips when using Internet kiosks:
1. Check if the machine has an updated antivirus
Many users think that the machine only has the msn, yahoo, gtalk messengers and the internet browser. Very few are able to identify the Windows symbol on security alerts about whether antivirus software is available in the system and if this is updated.
2. Restart your PC if this is already turned ON
If it is a machine that already was ON, could be running background applications that jeopardize our security, such as keyloggers or trojan active. We do not know if the person using the machine had previously installed virus inadvertently or deliberately, especially if the machine does not have a reliable antivirus.
3. Access the Programs from Windows Start Menu
It is not recommended to start the application by double clicking the desktop shortcuts and other executables that can reference and does not necessarily indicate its icons. MSN Messenger icon on the desktop could not be more than a Trojan pitcher left by the previous user. The best practice is accessible from the Windows menu: Start-->> All Programs.
4. Close sessions of your accounts to get away from the machine
Sometimes you may wish to use the toilet, buy something or just get away from the PC. In any case it is advisable to log-out of your Internet accounts, such as messenger, mail, etc.. Also, don't leave your papers with annotations and personal valuables.
5. Don't click on the unfamiliar alert messages.
Maybe the antivirus and / or firewall and / or antispyware you use on the machine is very good, but unless we have sufficient knowledge of threats on the Internet, clicking on the unknown alert messages may enable the implementation of a malware or spyware that tries to take our information.
6. Do not spread your passwords in public
Although it may sound silly, I have witnessed more than once, of how the passwords are disclosed in a public cyber cafe. One scenario: A person gives her password to another friend, so that you can be logged-in while going to have coffee and indicates the time.
While the friend may be a person of complete confidence, merely mentioning the password leads to another stranger who can then access the machine and check the registration of the MSN Contacts system (because it keeps a record) and get to the account, plus the key: Bingo.
7. Do not use it for banking or sensitive information
If we are to make any bank transfer, it is not appropriate to use these public booths, as the implicit danger that may exist in the system, perhaps infected, the PC can be full of striking bad intentions. For such transactions using a trusted machine.
Nor is it advisable to use these machines for affidavits of the tax system.
8. Special precaution while typing your passwords.
Shoulder surfing is the name of the hacking technique that involves spying on the victim physically. As its name implies, this practice tends to make watching over his shoulder. So, you should be especially careful and always watch your backs when you type your passwords.
9. Beware of the physical information that you discard
When we use cabins, sometimes we need to make temporary notes, which may be discarded in the trash cans of the same booths. If it's something sensible, such as personal information (names, addresses, phone numbers or worse, passwords) it is best to take the paper dispose it at home or other place where we have more certainty that noone can be misusing it.
Infact there is even a kind of hack that is to review in the trash cans of the individual victim, or target, called dumpster diving.
10. Be sure to log off and restart the PC to retire
Another common mistake, not only when in public booths but while browsing the Internet in general is CLOSING the windows of our mail or Internet accounts, without having closed session. This is a drawback, as there are cookies (small files in which our information is stored). It is best to LOGOUT and then close the browser window and finally reboot your system.
I hope you find this helpful. If you have any comments, experience or suggestions that will enrich the post, you're welcome.